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Our Services

We provide services to any business who may need to secure the assistance of a certified computer forensic examiner. The most common types of professionals or businesses served include:
Attorneys - In the state of Wyoming alone, there are over 1,700 attorneys. Regardless of the type of law practiced, sooner or later, a case that involves Electronically Stored Information (ESI) will come up. Statistically, 85% of all corporate data is stored electronically, 93% of new data is stored electronically, and approximately 75% of this information is never printed. Consequently, in almost every legal matter, critical and relevant evidence will be in the form of ESI.
Insurance Agencies - There are over 650 licensed insurance agents in the State of Wyoming. Insurance claims (and workers’ compensation claims) are ideal candidates for utilizing digital forensics. Insurance claims involve contractual representations and conditions that may be grounds for denying or reducing substantial insurance benefit payments. Insurance fraud and misrepresentation are perennial problems that are financially detrimental to insurance companies and all policyholders. Digital information relevant to an insurance claim may be found on any computer device used by a policyholder. A computer forensic investigation can provide evidence of insurance fraud or misrepresentation. Digital investigations can also help determine whether the conditions for payment under a policy have been met.
[ Insurance & Fraud Investigation / Criminal Investigations / Policy Violations / Employee Activity & Misconduct / File Extraction / Cyberattack Analysis ]
We serve government agencies who are in need of digital forensic experts to help in the investigation of crimes involving computers. This could range from federal, state, and city governments to law enforcement agencies. Often the equipment and training is too expensive to purchase, and that's where we can come in.
Digital forensics is the new frontier of criminal investigation for these agencies and it is growing daily. As technology enhances so do the crimes associated with using technology in criminal activity. Digital forensics is widely known for catching criminals in various types of fraud and access data that will stand as solid evidence in a court of law.
[ Criminal Investigations / Encrypted Data Access / Evidence Collection ]
We serve private individuals in their quest to find evidence to catch a cheating spouse, ensure a teen is not engaged in pornography, resolve a domestic dispute, divorce and custody cases, and recovering lost data on a device.
[ Domestic Affairs / Divorce & Custody Battles / Data Recovery ]